The content of this website is for Information Purposes only and not meant for product promotion or medical diagnostic. This information does not constitute medical or legal advice, and Boston Scientific makes no representation or warranty regarding this information or its completeness, accuracy or timeliness. Accordingly, Boston Scientific strongly recommends that you consult with your physician on all matters pertaining to your health or to address any questions.
LATITUDE™ NXT Home Monitoring System gives your health care provider remote access to information about how your implant is functioning between scheduled office visits, so you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home.
You have several options when it comes to connecting your LATITUDE™ NXT Communicator. Here, you will find a description of the communicator and step-by-step instructions for set up, using different connection methods.
CAUTION: The law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician. Indications, contraindications, warnings and instructions for use can be found in the product labelling supplied with each device. Products shown for INFORMATION purposes only and may not be approved or for sale in certain countries. This material not intended for use in France.